Steam uninstalled game cleaner
Steam uninstalled game cleaner

steam uninstalled game cleaner

The tool splits the game data into CSM/CSD files that are sized suitably for fitting on CDs and DVDs, though you can also create one large save. However, the Steam client also provides an integrated backup and recovery process that will let you select installed titles and store them as backup files.

steam uninstalled game cleaner

The most convenient way is simply copying your Steam or SteamApps folder (which is where your games are) to a backup directory via Windows Explorer. This isn't mandatory but is nonetheless a worthwhile precaution. a 250GB model would be stuffed with four GTA V-sized titles.įortunately, Steam has made it easier to move games from one location to another, no longer requiring you to open a Windows command prompt or download third-party tools, though we'll outline those methods, too, given that they still work. Ironically, it's often these large releases that benefit the most from the improved load times of a speedy drive, which is likely to be filled faster than you'd expect if it's on the smaller side of SSDs - e.g. Today's triple-A titles commonly occupy upwards of 20GB with many approaching or exceeding 60GB, especially after accounting for downloadable content.

steam uninstalled game cleaner

Although solid state drives have steadily increased in capacity, so too have the size of game installs.

Steam uninstalled game cleaner